Lemur Bidirectional Midi

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Joined:18 Oct 2017 11:40
Lemur Bidirectional Midi

Post by f10 » 18 Oct 2017 12:22

Hi There,

So I'm a newbie too, thus I've got a couple of questions regarding my setup.
I'm using Lemur IOS app to control my H9 eventide pedal over Midi/USB through the camera adapter.
This is pretty basic as I have 10 knobs sending CC message to the pedal (from 22 to 31)
and a few pads to select my banks by sending program change.

It works flawlessly, and smoothly.
But the next step would be to have the 10 knobs to set themselves to the actual value of each bank when I change banks.
For example on bank 1 the first knob is set at max value.
If I select bank 2 and the setting of the first knob for that bank is 0 on the pedal, the knob will still be set at 1 in lemur.
So the idea is the get that first knob to change from 1 to 0 when I select bank 2 and back to 1 when I select bank 1...

I've looked at bidirectional option and the 'On midi' script option - but I can quite figure it out as I'm a proper rookie in that field.

If that makes any sense to anyone, do let me know - !

Thanks I advance for your help.

Joined:16 Jul 2017 08:51

Re: Lemur Bidirectional Midi

Post by denoiser » 18 Oct 2017 22:04

Hi, you should first check what is send from h9 when bank change occures.
If pedal sends over param values, than it's possible. Use midi-ox or bome midi translator to intercept whatever is send.

Joined:18 Oct 2017 11:40

Re: Lemur Bidirectional Midi

Post by f10 » 05 Nov 2017 14:09

Hey Denoiser,

thanks for your reply - nice the see there are still some active people on this forum.
I'm on mac so these midi monitor won't do for now, but I've found these infos on the eventide forum : http://ftp.eventide.com/ljdl/www/Preset ... iption.pdf

I did use Midi Monitor to see what is happening when I change bank on the H9 itself and I do see some Sysex message showing. although I tried monitoring in lemur itself without success using midi monitoring scripts I've found on the forum.

If this is looking promising regarding my first plan let me know.

I kind of gave up on this plan and looked for other root less smooth as I'm a supper rookie regarding coding, I'm already struggling doing simple task to get me setup going, but it's going forward slowly.

If you wanna have a look, I've attached the template in progress :

the idea is to have the pads at the bottom toselect the banks (so triggering those would get the message back from the H9) and the knobs on top are to control the different knobs on the H9. Then I want to add a sequencer or multiball to map/randomize the knobs on the fly. For now I've used containers with tab to select different banks. The pad at the bottom switch the tab to the next preset. That's the only workaround I've found to get what I wanted in the first place. It does work but I need to layout each setting on the knobs accordingly for it to match my H9 setups. I have a good 20 different settings on the H9 so it will take me some time to go this way.

Thanks for your time Denoiser, let me know what you think !

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