Some guy in space who ponders if its worth geting lemur/ipad

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Joined:11 Feb 2014 04:37
Some guy in space who ponders if its worth geting lemur/ipad

Post by AndenAnden » 11 Feb 2014 04:56

So Hi, im Andreas 23 year old male from sweden, and im trying to push my own limits when it comes to sound design. Reaktor really opened up my eyes for truly how fun and wonderful sound design can be. And I found this guy antonio blanca, who had some crazy fun and intuitive ensembles. Then found out about lemur, watched some youtube videos where folks use his lemur templates. And I am blown away. They really show how fun sound design can be.

So im not rich, but im really concidering buying an used ipad probably the cheapest one with decent screen size. But I have some concerns. So im using a stationary computer, and yes I have wifi but not with my stationary computer. Is there some cheap work around to get the ipad to send wifi to the stationary computer? Like an adapter or something. I assume just plug and play via usb would work aswell, or does it? But it would be way more awesome to have no cables connected.

Im not really sure how lemur works yet, but soon im gonna look into it. But from what ive seen, the free templates that exist are amazing. Im gonna look on this forum to see if theres an overview or something hehe.

Anyway, if you read though it thanks for taking your time and I hope I can be a good member or this site

Joined:11 Jan 2012 01:53

Re: Some guy in space who ponders if its worth geting lemur/

Post by Phil999 » 11 Feb 2014 09:00

welcome to the forum.

If you have wifi, you probably have a router, and you probably have the router connected to your computer with an ethernet cable. If that is the case, you don't need anything more. With your iPad you connect to the wireless network, which is connected to the computer already. You can do (almost) everything wirelessly: connect to the editor, connect to Reaktor, connect to any virtual and physical MIDI port and therefore to any software.

Yeah I agree, Reaktor Ensembles together with Antonio Blanca's brilliant templates is quite a trip. It was actually the reason why I bought Komplete 8.
Formant+Eurorack, PPG wave 2.2, Korg MS-20, etc., EWI 4000s, QuNeo, etc., Mixbus32c, u-he, MadronaLabs, Samplemodeling, NI, etc., iPad2/4/Pro

Joined:04 Nov 2012 08:34

Re: Some guy in space who ponders if its worth geting lemur/

Post by Softcore » 02 Mar 2014 01:02

Welcome aboard Andreas! This message is coming from a Greek guy and unless you live under a rock, you must know how "rich" I can possibly be lol.

To put things further into perspective, I bought a used iPad v2 JUST when I found out that Lemur was ported to iOS - we are on the same path here. I can only start by saying it was one of my most beloved purchases (iPad - Lemur) and believe me, I have also bought a lot of other midi controllers.

Now on to specifically your question - you can connect as Phil said....OOOORRR you can buy a USB-to-wifi adopter (think of it like an Antenna)....its smaller thatn a USB stick these days and you can even convert your "stationery" desktop computer to a wifi enabled one. This will also enable your future iPad to directly connect to your stationery computer without even the need of the router (ad-hoc connection). These are VERY cheap (something like 15 - 20 euros)

Its actually cheaper to connect wirelessly because for USB connection you would need a "camera connection kit" by Apple for your iPad

Long story short! Yes perfectly doable, with desktop PCs and a router, or a simple USB wifi receiver - you are looking at one happy user here! ;)

Joined:02 Mar 2014 01:40

Re: Some guy in space who ponders if its worth geting lemur/

Post by Holaholaa » 02 Mar 2014 20:45

Hey all seriously thanks for answers, I am AndenAnden. I tried like a madman to recover my password with no succes. Some bugg with the site or perhaps some brower failure on my site that made it impossible to press the recover password button.

That wifi usb adapter might be something I will buy in the future, glad its possible.

So now I have an ipad mini/lemur software, bought it yesterday. But im not quite sure where to turn for guidance. Theres alot of youtube videos, but they dont cover everything to get upp to speed and getting to the heart of this software and overview/explaination of the templates that come with lemur. Like AB breakpoint ect. Is there some masterclass or something that cover this software and all of its uses? I always watch masterclass tutorials when learning new things, so the energy to read the whole 150 page manual isnt a good option at the moment. From experience I have learned not to trust youtube in general when it comes to learning stuff, alot of misinformation on that site. But is there a channel perhaps that has that going from very basic - very advanced tutorials that you know of?

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