Cubase MCU for live arrangement. (WIP)

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Cubase MCU for live arrangement. (WIP)

Post by bonso » 26 Dec 2017 07:38


Here is my edit of a Cubase MCU template from "".
It is intended for live arranging/mixing using automation in Cubase in the style of an old analogue mixer setup with 16 channels.
MackieforCubase 16ch Rik Mk7.PNG
MackieforCubase 16ch Rik Mk7.PNG (51.19KiB)Viewed 8923 times
Setup wise:
I'm using MIDI ports 0 and 1 for channels 1-8 and 9-16 respectively, setup as 2 'Mackie Control' remote devices.
I'm using MIDI port 2 to control the channel mutes and send enables using the included 'Generic Remote' device.

The basic functionality is to be able to record level changes, mutes, solos (sort of..) and send effects in a project.
I have Sends 2 & 3 set to momentary buttons to allow for effects to be dropped into the mix, while Send 6 is on a toggle to allow me to send the channel out to a different device for recording. (an iPad in my case)

Currently, the project is mostly functional and might be useful for anyone wanting to do something similar but there are some basic errors and some functionality that could be improved.
I'm hoping some kind soul here with more experience might be able to offer me some advice and help with it.
Here is the details of the current errors I'm aware of and the improvements I'd like some assistance to implement.
  • #1. Basic rookie error ~ I didn't use aliases to duplicate controls on each of the 5 pages so they are currently mutually exclusive to some extent I'm afraid. (although they are basically different variations to test setups)

    #2. There is no metering of channel levels yet, although I think I know the basic options about this? (either have the rather crude Mackie Control metering or use the Cubase metering via more Generic Remote use)

    #3. The main function I'm struggling with is the pseudo-solo buttons on the bottom of page 'Mixer 2 (16ch) b'.
    As Cubase won't record the automation of the solo buttons, I have tried to create a workaround using buttons that enable mutes on all the other tracks. The main problems I have are the solos currently won't stack so I can't activate multiple solos simultaneously. The second issue is that the solo buttons don't read the mute buttons state so after releasing a solo button the mutes are all deactivated even if they were active before the solo was pressed.
Despite my attempts to research it, I'm a little out of my depth with working out how to solve #3. :oops:
If anyone wants to help me out, it would be much appreciated.
MackieforCubase 16ch RIK
(20.01KiB)Downloaded 506 times

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