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Clip view glitched, clip triggering works

Posted: 08 Nov 2014 01:15
by newmiracle
Hey everyone,

After some connection issues that miraculously cleared themselves up, I finally got Live Control working.

Then the clip view got out of sync, and wasn't working. Then the app crashed. I've had moments where I've gotten it back working again, only to have errors.

While the view on the app screen is totally messed up, the app functionality works. Clips get triggered and all that, it just doesn't look right on the iPad.

Running Windows Vista, Live 9.1.5, newest lemur daemon, newest live control script, newest Lemur app on and iPad Air.

I've seen other people with these complaints. Can anyone offer a fix for this? I'd like to be able to use Live Control reliably for more than a minute.

Re: Clip view glitched, clip triggering works

Posted: 15 Nov 2014 00:01
by newmiracle
Managed to identify and avoid the glitch, for now.

Seems like the problem was the "Track Title" buttons that jump to the playing clip inside of the track. Seems to break the app's clip view. Any time I press one of those buttons, the clip view in the app breaks, even though the basic communication and trigger functionality work. I have to close the app (not just back out, but double click the iPad home button and kill the process), close Ableton Live on my computer, and then restart the app and restart Ableton.

I haven't been able to fix the problem itself, but have been able to remove the functionality of the button so that it doesn't break Live Control while I'm performing.

In the Live Control 2.1.31 template, look at the Project window pane. Go to the Launch folder > Tracks Object > trackJump()

Under the "else" line is the offending code:

Code: Select all

midiout(0, {240,0,2,firstof(x),247});
Comment this out (makes the program ignore the line of code when running) by adding "//" to the beginning of the line without quotes:

Code: Select all

//midiout(0, {240,0,2,firstof(x),247});
This will make the line of code turn bright green.

Save this template and upload it to the iPad Lemur app. The Track title buttons will update with the correct names, however pressing them won't execute the "jump to" functionality.