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Mod slider from Play page does not seems to work

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 21:19
by Valery_Kondakoff

There are three sliders on Midi section of the Play page: PB, Mod, Vel. The sliders PB and Vel are working well when there is a plugin (say Korg MS-20) loaded to the selected track. But the slider Mod does not seems to work as a Modulation wheel.

What may be wrong here? Am I doing smth wrong? (Mac OS X 10.8.4, Ableton Live 9.04, 64bit)

Thank you!

Re: Mod slider from Play page does not seems to work

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 20:34
by Valery_Kondakoff
Ok. I will try to ask the same question in other words.

Here is the quote from the LC2 description (Play page):
The layout includes a handy channel strip, giving you full control over MIDI expression (Pitch Bend, Mod Wheel)
When I move the PB slider, the corresponding PB wheel on the plugin GUI is moving as well and the pitch of the note changes. When I move the Mod slider nothing happens. Why?

Is this the right place to ask such a questions?

Thank you.

Re: Mod slider from Play page does not seems to work

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 09:33
by nick_liine

I can confirm that there was a bug with the modwheel. This will be included in the next point release, in the official installer. In the meantime, I attached a quick fix JZML that you can use.


Re: Mod slider from Play page does not seems to work

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 19:08
by Valery_Kondakoff
Thank you. The updated jzml file seems to work well.