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Cannot select LC2 as control surface in live 9

Posted: 15 Jun 2013 14:21
by jonathonholland

I am having trouble getting live control 2 to work on windows 8, live 9, using lemur daemon/loopMidi over wifi.
I cannot select Live control 2 as a control surface (as in the set up guide) as it does not appear in the drop down menu.
LC2 is installed on the ipad and is sending midi as the ‘midi track in’ indicator on ableton lights up and I can use the 'play' page to play soft synths (I assume because this is sending straight note values) but nothing else is functional.
Any help much appreciated


Re: Cannot select LC2 as control surface in live 9

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 13:16
by Softcore
Download the "manual installation" package - it says its for OS X but you can also use it if you use windows.

Unpack/unzip it - inside you will find a folder named "LiveControl_2_0".

Locate your Ableton Live's midi remote scripts folder. Depending whether you are using Windows or Mac the location is different

For Windows:
C:/ProgramFiles (or ProgramData, depending on the preferred installation location you specified when you installed Live)/Ableton/ Remote Scripts

or right-click Live's desktop shortcut icon -> open folder location -> one step up in folders/ Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts

For Mac:
Go to Applications, find, right-click and select Show Package Contents.
The directory is located in: Contents\App-Resources.

Copy - paste the whole "LiveControl_2_0" folder inside the MIDI Remote Scripts folder

Re-start Ableton Live, now you will be able to find "LiveControl 2" as a control surface in Live's preferences.

Re: Cannot select LC2 as control surface in live 9

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 16:33
by applefingers
had the same problem , followed above directions and lc 2 is now there. but the input and output dont show deamon, or anything for that matter

Re: Cannot select LC2 as control surface in live 9

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 16:18
by Softcore
On Windows, dont expect to see "Daemon" in the midi ports selection. You need to have a virtual midi ports software installed. LoopMIDI is a free one and reported to be working perfectly.

Re: Cannot select LC2 as control surface in live 9

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 23:57
by applefingers
im on a mac

Re: Cannot select LC2 as control surface in live 9

Posted: 03 Jul 2013 07:13
by nick_liine
applefingers wrote:had the same problem , followed above directions and lc 2 is now there. but the input and output dont show deamon, or anything for that matter
Check out the following article: ... es/1210944

Hope that helps. If you are still having trouble please send an email to support.

Kind regards,