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^^KnobLed_ Module

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 14:42
by Macciza
Hi All
^^KnobLed Help.tiff
^^KnobLed Help.tiff (72.85KiB)Viewed 4797 times
Have been meaning to post some stuff but keep wanting to tweak something a little more (never-endingly it seems) . . .
So I decided to at least post the basic module idea implementation so here it is.

It is a Knob with an Led marker based on Phil999's initial design but neatly encapsulated for ease of resizing and usage via standard Lemur syntax.
It presents 'x','z' and 'value' variables that should be able to be used in the same way you would use a Knob. A small 'Help' module is also included.
It is at a 'default' size of 100px (10*horizontal) - the container needs to be 'unlocked' to be altered, then 'lock' it again for easier moving.

This is an 'in-line' version in that it is self-contained; a refactored 'function library' based version is also almost finished.
I also have a number of specialisations of this object in the works but am still deciding on my preferred implementation.

Working on a few other nice ideas as well that I hope to post before too long . . .
Edit:©2013 Macciza. CC BY-NC-SA
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Re: ^^KnobLed_ Module

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 14:53
by Softcore
Hmmmm.....looks nice but it works erratically in my editor. I press "e" to see it in action and it doesnt work smoothly....

edit: Not sure whats going on here.....I get a container with a knob in it (looks like it).....but there is no knob object in it????

edit no2: forget edit no1 - I rarely use locking for containers so I had forgotten....

Still works erratically least in the windows Lemur editor with "e" mode....

Re: ^^KnobLed_ Module

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 15:00
by Macciza
Oh yeah

It's presented at a 'default' size of 100px (via 'locking'- which hides the internals) . . .
This makes it easier to move etc once it is set up.

Highlight the container and click the 'lock' icon above the 'Transparent' checkbox . . . .


Re: ^^KnobLed_ Module

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 15:02
by Softcore
yeah sorry about that - I re-edited above!

Re: ^^KnobLed_ Module

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 15:06
by Macciza
Works like a charm on Mac;~} . . .
And on the iPad . . .

Re: ^^KnobLed_ Module

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 15:10
by Softcore
Ok trying to see what might cause the problem I have found out:

1. Disabling all the scripts doesnt solve the problem
2. The knob behaves "as if" something is keeping it "locked" to values
3. deleting the "x" and "z" expressions in the container makes the knob work properly

It all behaves as if the x,z variables in the container are not "discriminated" by the editor with the x,z variables INSIDE the knob causing a weird "lock up"....

4. re-enabling the scripts, the knob works properly

Im willing to bet if I re-add the expressions but I dont use the x,z names it will work too.....

Re: ^^KnobLed_ Module

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 15:17
by Softcore
Nope.....replaced the container expressions x,z with k,l - of course I also replaced the references inside the epxressions.....

Still doesnt work....

Im curious if this happens to other users too or its just my editor......Lets just wait and see....

Re: ^^KnobLed_ Module

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 15:22
by Macciza
Try this one- it is saved unlocked.
And what about on your iPad? The Editor isn't 'perfect' in Run mode . . .

The x and z vars do the 'set/get' stuff together with the knob script and would need to be edited correctly to work - best left alone . . .


Re: ^^KnobLed_ Module

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 15:26
by Softcore
Same thing with the unlocked version you sent too!

I dont have the iPad with me right now but I can surely test it in a few hours and report back! ;)

I could only make it work if I edit the container x,z expressions to something as simple as


Re: ^^KnobLed_ Module

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 15:29
by Softcore
A side question....

I have tried in the past in a multiline script:


And the editor wouldnt let me use two ermmmm "=" signs yet I see you use them in the expressions......

Is the above supposed to be "legal" in Lemur scripting?