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OSC message to change interface

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 23:30
by mpelosi1
I've been all over the net trying to figure this one out. The basic idea is that when I select a track in Logic Pro for instrument x, Lemur changes to that instruments corresponding interface. I found this post on vi-control but I don't know anything about scripting so I couldn't figure it out. I've copied the relevant section of the post below.

" This is slightly advanced stuff,so be patient.below is a basic script for lemur that accepts incoming osc message and selects an interface(page in touchosc terms) as well as a container tab.

on execution "on osc" - /select_track_x


where x is the track name,y is the interface number(starts at 0),and z is the container menu item(starts at 0 and goes up to whatever number you have that corresponds with the number of tabs the container has).

an example for a script named "/select/lass_strg/vln_all

on execution "on osc" - /select/lass_strg/vlnI_all


the thing is you need a script for every track that uses a different set of controls,this is no small task in a large template.I've been working on mine for a few years now,and it keeps evolving. "

When I was using Touch OSC and had a interface with a few tabs, whenever I would select a track in Logic Pro Touch OSC would receive some OSC message and always change back to the first tab. I'm really trying to modify this process.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm completely new to Lemur also so I apologize ahead if anything basic is confusing to me.


Re: OSC message to change interface

Posted: 17 Sep 2016 05:02
by dburns