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Alias resize & show original

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 18:49
by Draedus
Would be nice to be able to modify an alias and have a "show original" option on an alias.

Perhaps if we modify a parameter on an alias, we could select to break the connection to the original completely thus converting the alias to an original object, or we could select to break the connection for that one parameter only and keep all other parameters intact, or select to propagate the change globally (i.e. apply the change to the original and all aliases of the original).


Re: Alias resize & show original

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 08:56
by cloud_canvas
+1 on the ability to resize aliases. I need to have the same latching on/off switches that refer to different modular blocks of operation throughout my interface, but they aren't the same size on the respective pages. Obviously right now this can be faked with a new switch that is scripted to follow the .x 0-1 status, but this is a redundancy that could be reasonably eliminated.

Re: Alias resize & show original

Posted: 22 Aug 2013 11:28
by Softcore
Although this is a legitimate request, I suspect the way "aliases" are coded means they take up less memory (or CPU?) from the device by being exactly that: a "clone" of the initial object. Perhaps by implementing the features you are asking kills the whole purpose of having aliases in the first place and it would be the same (memory usage, CPU usage wise) as having a different object all together which we connect to another via scripting.

Of course, all this is only speculation on my behalf as I really dont have a clue how the whole thing is coded - developed.