Debug or Log output

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Joined:03 Oct 2014 08:20
Debug or Log output

Post by PlasmaBubble » 20 Oct 2014 08:08

Sometime I need to know what is going on in scripts ( wich events are called in what order, content of received midi messages, steps in a complexe calculation to check the logic, ...etc. )

I haven't found a way to push custom log entries to some kind of debug view.

For now I append to some global variable named debug ( i.e. debug += "done this with" + that; ) and a monitor object displays it.
But this is very limited ( since you cannot add a newline to a string to have a text wrap to next line...)

I suggest the following mechanism:

- When synchronized to the Ipad the Lemur Editor will maintain a local (on the PC or Mac) log file (same name and location as Template, but with .log extension).
- The script system would have a function log( value ) wich adds a line in the log formated as : <timestamp>/<current object name>/<value|'value'|{item1[,...]}>
- The main menu will have a switch to enable/ignore the log system (so you don't have to coment/uncoment all log calls in your scripts).
- when log file exceeds a given size ( 100kb ?), it is backed up ( i.e renamed as <project>.log.bak ) and ad fresh <project>.log file is created
- Lemur will not manage displaying the log file (just use any convenient text editor outside)

What do you think of this ?
(Current project is Nord Drum 2 Template with sysex feedback)

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