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Ability to disable touches for elements

Posted: 29 Nov 2012 08:44
by Softcore
I wonder why nobody else has asked for this - Lots of times we can use multislider objects for example to present in our interface level meters. It would be a very welcome addition to be able to disable the altering of objects' parameters from the Lemur surface (from touches) via an added attribute so that essentially ANY object can also become a "monitor". For example create a multislider which will serve as a "level meter" and ignore the user's touch. The same attribute could be also very handy for pads, switches and custom buttons so that we could have "custom-tailored" indication-lights of all sorts (think of a blinking button that doesnt rerspond to touches, it only serves as indicating something).
The above could also be implemented by the addition of a transparent object "block" that would block touches to any elements that reside behind it in the interface (the "block" object has been "brought to front" of them.
Im sure for most users of Traktor templates this would be a very welcome addition - as these template usually feature a lot of elements serving as simple "monitors".

Re: Ability to disable touches for elements

Posted: 29 Nov 2012 10:07
by Softcore
Holy moly! I just tried the "Gesture" object with transparent attribute and behaves just like the "block" object I was thinking of....

Any chance for a modification of it so that it gets included in a future update as a "block" object? Because I guess now it will eat up memory for no reason if its going to be used as a block object.

Try it yourself! Place a fader, knob, multislider in a project and above it place the Gesture module - make it transparent and make sure it "covers" the fader, knob, multislider. There ya go: a "monitor fader, knob, multislider".

Re: Ability to disable touches for elements

Posted: 29 Nov 2012 13:59
by Phil999
good idea, and useful. Thank you.

Re: Ability to disable touches for elements

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 13:07
by lABl

A lock "ckeckbox" for each object in "properties" tab would great.


Re: Ability to disable touches for elements

Posted: 10 Feb 2013 11:21
by macay
+1000 for such an option for all objects!

Thanks for the Gesture tip, Softcore!
(BTW where did you get the Gesture object? It doesn't seem to be available in Editor 4.0.1?)