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Statement about the Legacy Lemur

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 17:35
by nick_liine
Although the initial release of Lemur Editor and Lemur Daemon, versions
3.0.1, do support the Legacy Lemur, Liine can not guarantee backward
compatibility in future versions. It's possible that some of the new
software features we develop will simply not be compatible with the old

Liine does not support the Legacy Lemur, nor do we have any information
about maintaining or repairing hardware units. For any questions about
the Lemur hardware, please contact Stantum, the original manufacturer.

We will continue hosting this section of the forum dedicated to Legacy
Lemur discussion, and do our best to give a hand answering questions
when we can. We deeply appreciate your support and look forward to
enjoying the future of the Lemur together.