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hi please help help with reaktor!!!

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 21:42
by soundmutant
Hi wonder if any one can help I've been using various templates by Antonio Blanca for native instruments and all the templates are simply amazing. I was wanting to use one of these templates with reaktor running in ableton which is fine but seems to disable my osc connection from lemur to reaktor whilst in vst mode.everything works perfectly in stand alone mode is there any way round this problem or any workaround to have ableton and reaktor running in parallel to maintain the osc conection. Thank you in advance .I'm using legacy lemur

Re: hi please help help with reaktor!!!

Posted: 24 Jan 2012 01:48
by Phil999
Reaktor's OSC functionality is only in standalone I believe. I think I read that in the Konkreet Performer forum. But in that post there is also a workaround (probably Windows only). Use ASIO4all with Reaktor, and run it at the same time as your DAW, route the Reaktor audio out to an audio loopback utility (forgot its name) and from there into the DAW.

Re: hi please help help with reaktor!!!

Posted: 24 Jan 2012 07:55
by lABl
Hi soundmutant,

As Phil999 pointed out, unfortunately Reaktor doesn't support OSC in plugin mode. (very requested feature)

If you're using Mac, you could to run both apps in parallel, using IAC-Driver to send/receive MIDI clock (for templates using sequencers) and soundflower to route audio, it's free,

Hope that helps,

Re: hi please help help with reaktor!!!

Posted: 28 Jan 2012 22:12
by soundmutant
Thanks for explaining phil ni should get that sorted it would be great really silly feature to disable the osc. I have a mac so I'll try use Reaktor with the IAC driver and sound flower thanks antonio for your help and for your wonderful templates which have gave me hours of endless fun :D

Re: hi please help help with reaktor!!!

Posted: 29 Jan 2012 17:16
by lABl
Hi soundmutant,

Yes, totally agree, OSC in plug-in mode should to be implemented, I do use reaktor in stand alone (mostly sound generators) so personally I have no problems using it, but for music production it should to be there.

Hopefully in future reaktor versions.

Cheers and have fun ;)