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MU 1.2 / Novice Template Problem

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 18:30
by ekko
Hello, i'm working with Mac Os 10.7.2 and an iPad 2 with the latest update and i'm a novice in the Lemur/OSC and template world.
I've installed the Lemur app on the iPad, i've installed the Lemur editor and Daemon and i've downloaded the MU 1.2 template folder.
I would like to know, which is the the template/device that we see on the page of the download that i must drag & drop in the lemur editor.
I've dropped the Mu Framework Examples with the extension "jzml" and it work but i hadn't seen the original device that we see on MU page .

So which is the correct file in the MU 1.2 folder to load the correct device that i want ?


Re: MU 1.2 / Novice Template Problem

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 22:01
by nick_liine
The correct file is "Mu.amxd", but don't open it in the Editor. All you need to do is drag-and-drop it into your Live set. It is a Max for Live device.

Best regards,

Re: MU 1.2 / Novice Template Problem

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 07:55
by andyrobins
Sorry to hijack the thread but this relates to a question I have.

Does this mean that to use MU you need to have Max for Live?

Cause that's a whole lot of cash to splash if you only have Live itself.

Also is there any way other than max to launch live clip slots with lemur?
Because again if not that's a deal breaker for me.


Andy R

Re: MU 1.2 / Novice Template Problem

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 10:58
by marino_liine
Hi andyrobins,

Thanks for the post. You do need Max for Live to use MU. You can still trigger clips with a basic template without needing MU and just using Lemur.
