Switching between 16 midi channels with 16 switches

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Joined:05 Oct 2017 00:35
Switching between 16 midi channels with 16 switches

Post by crystaldrone » 08 Oct 2017 04:47


Is this possible to do with Lemur?

I am very new to Lemur so can for someone to help me with the basic scripting atleast?

Thank you.

Joined:10 May 2013 11:34

Re: Switching between 16 midi channels with 16 switches

Post by dogblessyou » 08 Oct 2017 20:39

I'm not sure you can. But I'm pretty new to scripting still and figured you could use setattribute, but looks like you can't.
https://forum.liine.net/viewtopic.php?f ... nnel#p9633
You can probably work around it tho, depending on what you want. Like using 16 pages or a container with 16 tabs for each channel.

Joined:05 Oct 2017 00:35

Re: Switching between 16 midi channels with 16 switches

Post by crystaldrone » 10 Oct 2017 18:12


Thank you for your reply. Thats just what I thought of doing, making 8 or 16 tabs for individual channels. Although what I was thinking was to have something on the lines of a plugin called Sequential Channel Changer (SCC) - https://www.kvraudio.com/product/sequen ... midikarval

It can change the outgoing midi channel of midi sent to it by receiving CC values. Choose a CC and CC values 1, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48....120 will switch the outgoing channel.
I was thinking of having something like that on Lemur in the form of 16 switches.

Anyways, now I think I will just make 16 pads send 16 values to SCC instead of making 16 tabs. Would have loved a Lemur script for it.


Joined:31 May 2015 18:45
Location:Austin, TX

Re: Switching between 16 midi channels with 16 switches

Post by phase_change » 11 Oct 2017 03:56

There are two ways to do this in lemur. You can either use noteout() or a custom midi message. I haven't tested the following example, but it should work (probably) and if it doesn't, it's some minor error I made.
(7.18KiB)Downloaded 172 times
Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Joined:05 Oct 2017 00:35

Re: Switching between 16 midi channels with 16 switches

Post by crystaldrone » 11 Oct 2017 16:06


Thanks for posting this! I indeed set up with a custom midi messages and got it working last night , but will definitely try note out. But now this is what I am thinking for assigning CCs and even channel numbers - https://forum.liine.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=5970. Feel free to join in. :)

Frankly its just been a few months since I started learning Lemur. Just trying to have a conversation.


Joined:31 May 2015 18:45
Location:Austin, TX

Re: Switching between 16 midi channels with 16 switches

Post by phase_change » 12 Oct 2017 04:51

I've been on here for about 2 years now... never found a compelling reason to become proficient with the canvas object. There are a couple of guys who know it pretty well. I'd recommend looking at the canvas examples, pulling them apart and figuring out what's happening in each. Conceptually what you're trying to do is combine a switch (maybe an n-way switch?, I'm not sure if you want each tap to assign a different value to the knob or if you want 5 taps to equal one state change - in the second case you'll need to store the number of taps in an expression or an array) with a knob. The logic is going to be the same more or less whether you're doing it with switches and knobs or the canvas object. The main difference is your GUI.

Some advice since you're new - Lemur is very poorly documented and comes with a handful of training materials. A lot of the people you'll meet here that can help you work as professional designers, software engineers etc. (in my case, a sysadmin). This means we have pretty limited bandwidth with our day jobs and our skill-sets are in high enough demand we probably can get paid for the time we spend helping ppl on these forums. You'll get better feedback/help if you get started, do a lot of the legwork yourself and ask for help when you get stuck/need someone to debug your code. I'm very lazy, but enjoy thinking through problems other people are having, so I don't really debug my code and rarely make examples. Some of the best advice I've received is that being good as a coder/developer/programmer/software engineer means spending 90% of your time thinking and 10% of your time writing code. Don't be discouraged, tho. You'll learn a lot if you apply yourself here. When I started here, I knew some Php, but wasn't proficient. Lemur gave me a platform to learn how to script that eventually led to the job I have.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Joined:05 Oct 2017 00:35

Re: Switching between 16 midi channels with 16 switches

Post by crystaldrone » 12 Oct 2017 06:07

Hey thanks for the advice! You build my confidence. I have just been spending as much time as I can on this forum. Its very true that there is not much to find on Lemur online except for this forum where people like you, softcore, oldgearguy have contributed so much for learning. I download any example I find interesting and just keep going through it to figure out what is 'connected' where, try combining different modules. Just wanted to take the Roboknob type CC assigning as a challenge. Will need to read lot more on canvas objects and arrays rom what I understand.

I am working to put together a few faders that can be grouped, assigned to CCs and are recordable for my template. Will definitely put it up here and seek advice. 6 days ago Lemur felt like an alien. Now, not so much.

Just out of curiuosity, what kind of jobs do you attract?


Joined:05 Oct 2017 00:35

Re: Switching between 16 midi channels with 16 switches

Post by crystaldrone » 12 Oct 2017 07:33

Ok here is something I thought I could ask you. I really love the way the faders move in the the example called 'group_controlling' by softcore here - https://forum.liine.net/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=4306. But the group fader here actually serves as a "target" value to which the rest of faders will gradually smooth out to, which I wanted to change. Really wanted the faders to be grouped but not take the group fader's position as the target.

I know something needs to be changed in the custom script named smooth() (or not?) but i could not figure it out for the life of me. Would you know where to look? I did try getting in touch with softcore in that post, but I guess he is not very active on this forum anymore.


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