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Can't load Alphatrack Module

Posted: 31 Dec 2016 21:46
by NRKorsakov

I'm new to Lemur, using it with an iPad Air 2 and a Mac Pro.

I figured out how to download a number of the modules that users have generously made available for us all via drag & drop in iTunes.

I downloaded 12 user-created modules to just check them out, one of them being the Alphatrack emulator module that I would REALLY like to use.

When I drag-dropped-synced the iPad, only 11 of them showed up on the iPad, and the missing one was the Alphatrack.

I tried the process three times, with the same results.

Is this module not compatible with the current version of Lemur IOS, or am I doing something wrong?

I would really like to use this module.

Thank very muchs!