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iConnect MIDI 4+ one way only?

Posted: 10 Aug 2016 01:23
by catmann05
I have switched from iConnect Midi 2+ (which worked flawlessly) to iConnect midi 4+ which I cannot make to send midi info back to the Lemur's.

I setup the two lemur's accordingly, midi ports in Cubase (generic Remotes, etc), all properly setup but it only works one way: from Lemur(s) to iConnect to PC DAW (Cubase). Now I have been using the 2+ version for a while and I used to consider myself knowledgeable in how to setup these things but obviously I am missing something here.

Did anyone else have or hear of the same problem?

Re: iConnect MIDI 4+ one way only?

Posted: 20 Aug 2016 01:28
by catmann05
sorry - I fixed it! :) Something to do with the port routings...