LemurLoader Max External Source

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Joined:25 Jul 2013 00:18
LemurLoader Max External Source

Post by mrpastewart » 25 Jul 2013 00:26

Hello Liine

Can you please release the source for the LemurLoader Max External to the community, sure the source for the loader is available from JazzMutant site for standard executables but not the external which I would imagine is different being that it is using the MaxAPI. As you have released the MU to the community under CC can you not make the source for the loader available so we can recompile it to support 64bit?

I will gladly take the time to recompile it for 64bit compatibility so those of us that require running live 9 in 64bit mode can take advantage of the MU. I understand that there is a new kid on the block (livecontrol2) however that is currently locked down as the python source is compiled and not human readable so this still makes the MU a good choice for some of us that want to customize our controller also the ability to send jzml to the Lemur dynamically is unmatched by livecontrol2. I would prefer to maintain control over my system dynamically using the MU.

to be honest releasing the MU to opensource and not including the loader renders the intent kinda mute as the loader is a very integrated part of the MU's operation and forces Live 9 users who need to access more RAM to abandon using it or running in 32bit mode compromising performance when using plugins and samples heavy. I'm sure this was not your intent and you can help us out by releasing the code so we can keep the MU alive as you have already stated that updating the external is a low priority for you.

So can we have the source please.

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