Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select!

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Location:Sydney, Australia.
Re: Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select

Post by Macciza » 18 Mar 2013 12:37

The direct link to get Mu is - The other link is just the Library where you could post your version . . .
iMac 2.8G i7 12G 10.6.8/10.7.2, Legacy Dexter/Lemur, Liine Lemur/iPad2, KMI SoftStep, 12Step & QuNeo , B-Controls, Mackie C4 etc
MaxMSP, Live Suite, Native Instrument stuff, etc Modified Virtual Guitar System etc All Projects/Modules © CC-BY-NC-SA[*][/b]

Joined:23 Jan 2012 21:29

Re: Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select

Post by soundmutant » 20 Mar 2013 22:51

Hi was wondering if this template was going to be posted as i have problems with mu since updating to live 9
I have two legacy lemurs and iphone lemur my setup depends on mu it was fine with live 8 the device control modules don't
load up. When you press edit max patch button they load up on lemur but are unresponsive doesn't move auto filter
for example on ableton very frustrating. I'm looking for a way to fix this i have limited max knowledge i have done the
basic lessons on the cycling site any help would be greatly appreciated

Joe Soap
Joined:07 Jul 2012 15:04

Re: Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select

Post by Joe Soap » 20 Mar 2013 23:09

Hopefully xmonsta will repost.

It may be a case where Liine are reviewing the code with a view to making the effort official, giving it a Premium Content slot?

It is a slightly unusual case, what with the IP belonging to the Liine guys.

I'd been working on Mu a while back with a view to releasing that work at some point (now abandoned) - so obvs how to approach that is something I've given a little thought to.

If it does what it says on the tin, and Liine don't view the project as taking away from LiveControl 2, I personally would view it as a great service to the many folk who depend on Mu.

You could attempt the work yourself, but it's not entirely trivial - particularly if you're new to Max. Mu is a tad byzantine, structurally, at least to these eyes . . . add to that you're looking at updating code across Max versions and yeah. It's a bit of work, for sure.

So if xmonsta or Liine are reading this - get it together guys. This is a win-win-win situation here.

Joined:23 Jan 2012 21:29

Re: Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select

Post by soundmutant » 21 Mar 2013 00:19

Thanks for the reply joe, Hope xmonsta reposts this template and it sorts out my problems need a fix
and i think it beyond my capabilities to sort it myself I looked at mu before in max and it was pretty
complex.Think there should be a little more input from liine team in developing skills of users I often
feel I've come up against a brick wall workshops/lessons video tutorials on how to program lemur better
i troll through the two forums and read all sorts to get info so liine guys pull your socks up please

Joined:16 Mar 2013 15:19

Re: Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select

Post by xmonsta » 22 Mar 2013 21:47

To be honest, Im a bit confused now. When I thought about sharing the changes I made to Mu, I landed on this page - , which looks like it is run by the developers and states GPL. However, I can see now there have been no files uploaded. I also got confused when I uploaded Mu to the user library, because there is no way of Liine approving my changes. The file seemingly just goes onto the live site.

I would be very grateful if Liine could clarify:

1) Can I upload the basic fix to get Mu working for Live 9 to the library?
2) Can I also upload the changes I made to Mu, to make it work in chains and on selected devices?
3) Is there a way for Liine to give me some direction on attributions etc. and approve the changes I made?

I would love to make these changes available to the community, but just confused at this point on whether it is indeed GPL and whether I am allowed to share the changes.

cheers xmonsta

Joined:23 Jan 2012 21:29

Re: Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select

Post by soundmutant » 22 Mar 2013 22:33

I dont see the problem myself xmonsta should be allowed to upload his fix and whatever changes he has made to mu.
I for one need it fixed i think any part of the community that has something to contribute working or not should
be able to share without all the red tape commissioned by the very people that should have a fix in the first place (liine) thats you!!!
its only one part of the problem fixed for me as I use 2 legacy lemurs ill have to try and resize all the jzlm to fit the legacy
but its a step in the right direction and i'm dedicated to make my lemurs integrate with live as much as possible I use mu
sequncomat and a couple of my own templates for au's within live sometimes use reaktor too running in parallel since updating
to live9 I'm sorta stuck without the device loader and can't progress properly in my setup.
further more i think xmonsta's website looked exiting had all the various tabs about mu and how to change the template something
I dont see on this site no proper build or video tutorials like jazzmutant had on there site allowing users/customers to grasp a better
understanding of this wonderful touchscreen device. showing how to integrate it better into our individual needs instead of all this cloak
and dagger stuff i've witnessed on these forums we are supposed to be a sharing community sharing knowledge and understanding and at
the end of the day xmonsta was sharing. personally i think liine should step up to the mark if your site catered for all the needs then maybe
he wouldn't feel the need to make his wonderful looking site. I also add i don't mind paying a small price for a template I don't have the
knowledge to build myself as I appreciate it takes valuable time at the end of the day I really only want to make music I'm not a programmer
but I really want to learn max and lemur so I can make making music more enjoyable away from the mouse
sorry for the long post and please get mu FIXED!!!!!

+1 for mu update

Joe Soap
Joined:07 Jul 2012 15:04

Re: Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select

Post by Joe Soap » 22 Mar 2013 22:44

I don't think you'd need code-approval from Liine, that was really a hypothetical for the case where they might want to adopt your version as an official revision.

It looks like the intention was always there to have the thing GPLed but the execution fell short.

I think if you renamed it to something like "Mu 1.2_4_9" and added yourself to the credits, stating your input etc. I believe the etiquette for providing a URL or link to your own site is set out somewhere on the Ableton site . . . but IIRC it's simple enough, stick it in the credits and not in the Device UI.

Then just bung it up on the User Lib.

You can link from your own site then, still use it as a bit of a promotional item. It could form the basis of a real community fork of the old Mu - not everyone's going to want or be able to switch up to LC 2 for a while. An unofficial hangout for people hacking on Mu? Might be good.

Go the nut.

Joined:07 Dec 2011 04:57
Location:Sydney, Australia.

Re: Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select

Post by Macciza » 23 Mar 2013 10:27

From memory Mathieu was on the original Mu development team - not sure about the google repo though. Neither am I sure about the stated GPL particularly when the link goes to a license for Perl . . . Not sure of exact licensing situation but probably some sort of open-source, share, non-commercial type . ..
I do wonder how you ended up there ( etc) and why you would have shared it there after getting most of the resources from here - I presume you got the original Mu from the Premium Content section and the various extra devices from the Liine User Library.
I say that because there are devices in your release that have only been published in the Liine library - otherwise I would be very interested in finding out where you got your resources from in the start . . .

Given that it is not really a substantial change to lots of file it may be easier to just post, to the Liine library, the changed parts with instructions for modifying ones existing Mu install.
I thought we had a bit of a Mu development thread going at one stage but have not been able to find it yet - We could always start a new thread or even continue this one focussed purely on this and further Mu devs
Eventually this could lead to a definitive Mu 1.3 release - maybe send your current work to and see what Nick thinks about it all . I've had a bit of look at it all, though I had some issues with it . . ..
I was a bit concerned about some of the claimed 'problems' in the earlier version that you said you fixed as I have not seen the issues you mentioned and can't see where you might have fixed them . . .

Certainly did not mean to get you too confused about it all - yes, share it, I was just concerned by the 'where and how' - you can always PM me or email me if you want to discuss it all off-list, not that I really have any final say either way in it all . ..

Anyway, For the time being you could always just zip it all up and post it here in this thread for people to beta test and pull apart, comment on and contribute additional features, devices etc . . .

iMac 2.8G i7 12G 10.6.8/10.7.2, Legacy Dexter/Lemur, Liine Lemur/iPad2, KMI SoftStep, 12Step & QuNeo , B-Controls, Mackie C4 etc
MaxMSP, Live Suite, Native Instrument stuff, etc Modified Virtual Guitar System etc All Projects/Modules © CC-BY-NC-SA[*][/b]

Joined:02 Feb 2013 00:13

Re: Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select

Post by vojd » 24 Mar 2013 10:44

Yeah, please upload it again, here or in the user library. I think right now Mu is the most capable of all available ipad controllers for live ( when it works ok) and the only one that allows you to touch control most of ableton devices ( touchable can only control some of them ).It is overlooked for some reason though - probably because it requires both max and lemur.It would be great if touch control can be used in Live 9, will definetely make my day :P

Joined:30 Jan 2013 13:14

Re: Mu updated for Live 9, access chains, auto device select

Post by Dionysiac » 25 Mar 2013 13:18

Unless you received a cease and desist from Liine over the publication of your update (which would be a harsh seeing as they have always strongly favoured a collaborative community) I think you may have been a bit quick to retract your release.

I too am stuck without mu on my legacy lemur since updating to live9. At the very least I would love to see the diff for the M4L components and know if you had to make changes to the jzml/jzlib parts. I was going to set about reworking the lemur loader integration myself as I have a push on the way which will take over a lot of the mu functions. It would be a massive timesaver to not have to work all the required fixes out before I can start composing again.

I want to set mu to follow the selected rack/device and be load a control template automatically (or on tap). I have some custom racks and templates for them and they go beyond twiddling 8 macro knobs.

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